
As a leaf on the wind
As a leaf on the wind

as a leaf on the wind

Doesn't make me any less scared, but it does lend a sort of a serenity of purpose to the whole exercise. A chance to dress up, get very nervous, and prove (once again) I know more than I think I do. The oral exams have already accomplished what they were supposed to - I have a dissertation topic, even if to date my favorite way to express is "Time does weird things in vernacular texts dealing with the "English" nation in the periods immediately pre- and post-conquest." So really this is a formality. I definitely need to re-write my Chaucer list justification. Maybe a few "sit down and write about what I said I was interested in" sorts of exercises. A few stray Canterbury Tales I wouldn't mind re-reading (though given that I lectured on the Pardoner a year or so ago in a class I TA'd for, perhaps my notes for that will suffice). It's mostly note-taking and articles now. I know what needs to be done - I could probably make a list of it. I've resisted the idea of making a schedule of my work, right to the very end. Which means reviewing Bede and Aelfric, reading some articles (and a book) on the same, and then.well, whatever seems to be next on my list.


Last night? Bede's De Arte Metrica, and the work on Tropes that I can't remember how to spell (thank goodness these are orals, eh?) Today, I'm prepping for my final meeting with my major list adviser. Yesterday it was re-reading and taking notes on Chaucer. When I'm not serene, I'm obsessively reading something. It's funny, but the closer I get to my exams, the more serene I am - during my serene periods, that is.

As a leaf on the wind