
Flow free bridges 6x6 13
Flow free bridges 6x6 13

flow free bridges 6x6 13

The rest of the trail is in pretty good shape except for the water holes. You need boots if you want to walk the whole trail. The trail near the deer stand was very wet. and I cut the brush on the northern section (except near Marshall brook). The boulders to the left of the log will be removed, providing temporary access across the stream.

flow free bridges 6x6 13

This is right near the tree that fell and up-turned a 6' root ball. It could be set on 6圆 beams since the water is shallow. Since itįlows across a large granite ledge, a bridge deck would be needed. The 4th crossing has a small amount of water flowing. I think that it can be solved with water bars or a small culvert pipe. Look bad, the water creates deep holes in the snow. The 3rd crossing is on the forester's land. The second water crossing had quite a flow. Due to the wet weather, there was a lo t of water flowing! These photos are in sequence going north from Goose Pond Rd. I have walked the trail this fall and cleared mo st of the brush and fallen trees. If trail #37 is reopened, all bridges would have to be at least 12' wide and rated for 8T load for groomer to cross. Twin State snowmobile club no longer grooms the south end trail either. This is due to the shutdown of trail on the south end of Goose Pond. Trail #37 is no longer serviced by the club since the trail is considered a "dead end trail". Also, some brush leading down to the stream still needs to be cut.ĭiscussions with the president of Lyme Pinnacle Snowmobile Club: end, the boulders are on the right side of the stream crossing. If anyone is willing to hike in from the Grafton Tpk. I do not know if the work has been done yet. Last week, I was able to contact the excavator operator. He referred me to his excavator operator, as he has DES permits to cross small streams.

flow free bridges 6x6 13

I have asked if the boulders could be moved. A detour across a small narrow bridge is the only way across. A few years ago, the brook crossing was blocked by boulders and a small rickety snowmobile bridge was removed. On the north end the trail crosses Marshall Brook. I have talked with his property manager and received similar permission (clearing brush, fixing water bars). The northern end of the trail is owned by a gentleman who owns large tracts of timberland in Lyme. I am still looking for 16' or longer pressure treated beams (2x12's or telephone poles) as well as decking lumber (2x4x8 PT or larger). On a positive note, I did get a check for $40 from one Goose Pond neighbor, and have collected some lumber and sections of culvert pipe. At best, it looks like it will take time to get all of the approvals, and will have some up-front costs for permits. I will contact the landowner to get his opinion as to what size bridge he would agree to. It may need input from a wetland scientist and/orĮngineer-something Judy Brotman ought to be able to determine. Seems unlikely that the job can be done without disturbing One could not be approved on an expedited application, as it Role in setting the state's wetland regs, opined that this The previous bridge apparently was built on steel girders, One member indicated that this is a substantial stream and a significant crossing. The Conservation Commission's only role in this bridge will be to give advice on applications submitted to the state wetlands bureau and the ZBA, which would be the approving bodies. They also did a site visit on the north end stream crossing on Jan 9th. The Commission will discuss both projects at its meeting on December 14, 2011. The abutting landowner has agreed to allow snowmobile use at Need to consider if snowmobile use should be encouraged in the Marshall Brook Natural Area. Of the bridge which could be presented to the Commission. Doug was asked to solicit a recommendation from the Trails Committee about the size TheĬommission would consider using some of its operating funds to support the bridge construction Snowmobile, one that might accommodate the trail groomer was also discussed.

flow free bridges 6x6 13

Rather than a bridge that would only accommodate a Where he would like a bridge to be built. The Commission met Ken Mielke at Marshall Brook Natural Area. Here is an except of the site visit as recorded by them: I met with several members of the Hanover Conservation Committee at the 2nd water crossing on Dec 12.

Flow free bridges 6x6 13