Strap one on your backpack or ATV, or keep it in the truck, and we are pretty sure you will find a reason to whip it out and use it (but if you’re prone to road rage we definitely don’t recommend you buy one). Given its versatility and functionality, everyone that spends a little time out in the woods hunting or hiking would do well to add one of these to their tool collection. The SOG F06TN-CP FastHawk is fast, light, agile, easy to carry (thanks to its compact size), and it is ergonomic and comfortable to use. Throwing the FastHawk is easy… and FUN! Conclusion We would have preferred a top load sheath since it would have made it easier to put the hatchet back in when we were finished with our tasks. Also the belt loop on the back of the sheath is small and it is difficult to get a wider 1-3/4″ or 2″ belt through it. This is especially true when the sheath is fastened onto your belt. The sheath is a bottom load style which can make it tricky to put the hatchet back once you are done using it. The one thing that we were not so keen on was the nylon belt sheath. The most we have done is touched up the edge with a file after we accidentally struck some hard objects with it. We have used this small ax continually for all kinds of tasks and have thrown it at least 100 times and have not had the head come loose from the handle. Since it tends to spin faster then a larger tomahawk, it really has a better chance of hitting its target squarely. The small size and low mass actually make the FastHawk throw very easily and with minimal effort. In fact, the FastHawk is so adept to being thrown that it stuck on our very first try. With its compact size, we found that it was very easy to get it it stick into our wood target. In this respect, our view of the FastHawk is no different.

Of course we tried our hand at a variety of tasks, but the ultimate reason for wanting a tomahawk is because you can throw it. Come on, anyone at a camp site is going to love the fierce look of this tool and would take it any day over their hatchet. This is not to say that the FastHawk is not able to split kindling – it just takes a little extra effort because the head is less wedge-shaped. Many camp hatches are really optimized for splitting wood and chopping small branches.

The biggest is that the blade edge is smaller and thinner. Now there are a few fundamental differences between this mini throwing ax and, say, a regular camp hatchet. Chopping, cutting, hammering, piercing, breaking, digging, pounding, prying, shaving, notching, opening and throwing are all things that it is able to do – and do well. Testing and Useĭon’t let the small size of the SOG F06TN-CP FastHawk fool you into thinking it is not a real tool. The use and popularity of the tomahawk is really a unique piece of American History. It is interesting that, even to this day, that tomahawks of various designs and manufacturers are still being issued and used by our armed service members. Since the American Revolution and the earliest days of the United States, the Tomahawk has been a unique battle tool both for the American Indians and soldiers. During the Vietnam conflict, nearly 4000 of these tomahawks served Soldiers and Marines in the jungles of Southeast Asia. The original design had a wood handle and a similarly designed ax head. It is worth pointing out that the overall conceptual design of this hatchet is loosely based on the original Vietnam Tomahawk design by Peter LaGana who founded the American Tomahawk Company in 1966. To store and carry the FastHawk, a nylon, bottom load belt sheath is included. The handle is less then 12 inches long and has a slight texture all over it with extra deep grooves in the grip area that ensure it will not come loose in your hand. Just below where the handle connects to the head, there is a steel ferrule to prevent splitting and to protect the handle just in case you miss. The head is mounted to a fiberglass reinforced nylon handle with two Torx style through bolts. On either side of the head just above the point where the handle attaches, there are deeply checkered areas that are to help ensure placement and less slipping when pounding things like tent stakes or nails. The spike on the other end of the head is not sharped but has false edges that make it so that you can’t cut yourself yet it will stick into something if it is struck with the point. The cutting edge is 2-inches long and comes sharp from the factory. The head is made of 420 stainless steel and is coated in a scratch-resistant, black oxide finish that is good for reduced reflectivity and enhanced corrosion resistance.
Sog tomahawk full#
The SOG F06TN-CP FastHawk is really just a compact version of the full sized SOG F01T.